12th February 2025

Search Steeton With Eastburn Parish Council

Serving the people of Steeton and Eastburn



Give your feedback to the Parish Council on Bradford Council's Steeton and Eastburn Parking Scheme

6pm – 7pm Wed. 11th Jan. 2023

The HUB, Skipton Road, Steeton, BD20 6FE.

Following the unprecedented level of emails and letters to the Parish Council raising concerns with the current Bradford Parking Scheme, the usual 15 minute public access time prior to our monthly meeting has been extended to a full hour in order to allow residents to give us feedback to raise with Bradford.

Please note that whilst every effort will be made to allow as many residents to speak as necessary, if a large number attend, speakers will be asked to limit their time and to try and avoid repeating the same points so we get as broad a picture as possible as the main Council meeting will need to commence at 7.00pm.

Posted: Thu, 5 Jan 2023

Tags: Community